Archive for April, 2017

Resurrection Sunday 2017

It will be Easter in a couple hours which causes me to consider the great love Jesus has for us. It is amazing to me that God would put aside his role and take on the role of man. He put off his power and took on human nature. The creator, took the place of one of his creation. How amazing is that…

Well Easter also known as resurrection Sunday, is basically the new beginning for us, and the end of his time here as a man. True it will be many days before he returns to heaven, but his resurrection is the victory that every person needs in order to “enjoy:” life after death. We go on…whether we seek the forgiveness that Jesus offers to those who ask, and seek to follow him, believing in who he said he was. The Messiah.
The Savior of the world. His gift to whoever calls upon him. His gift available, but only when we come to him and seek his mercy and his grace.

Easter is that special time where sunrise means more than morning. It means the morning that he took death and cast it aside, and set captives free, brought those who believed out of darkness and they got to go home. Can you even imagine…As a Wife and Mother, I would probably be in the kitchen fixing dinner. Possibly thinking about the child who had died or the spouse, or Mother or Father, perhaps a brother or Sister….Imagine the surprise and shock you would experience if someone you loved who had died walked in the door. Yikes…I would be questioning them and half disbelieving anything they said, but fact upon fact, they were alive.

Well, that’s what happened on Resurrection morning. It wasn’t just JESUS who rose from the dead…He brought others with him. Dead and in the grave, now alive and walking and talking. Yea, I am betting that got the attention of everyone in town and probably even in the country. There is a song…”because HE lives, I can face tomorrow, because he lives, all fear is gone…” Because HE LIVES, I too can face tomorrow. Not just tomorrow in my life here on earth, but tomorrow referring to after I die…I actually may not die, but that is for another blog post.

There is a lot more to Resurrection Sunday than Jesus. He is the most important…He is the reason we celebrate. We celebrate with Easter Eggs….Why eggs. probably because there is life in the egg. The chick is formed in the egg and when the time is right, it pecks the eggs shell and before you know it there is another life. Seem appropriate, doesn’t it.

Where the Bunny comes from…who knows. Not important, but fun, unless it is some guy in a bunny suit with a mean face. I would not want to sit on that Easter Bunnies lap. And why would you want to? Easter Bunnies never promise you gifts..

Well, moving on…I muse over days gone by. Easters that have come and gone. Easter Sunday is always spent in church, worshiping the Risen Lord. Tomorrow, I will miss Church. I will leave home about 6 AM to head to another place to spend time with My Daughter, Grandchildren, Nephew and his family. It will be a wonderful day…despite the 6 hours I will spend on the road. We will laugh…My little Sister will be there. This year we will not have matching dresses that also would match our Mother’s dress…Yes we were stair steps wearing the same dress in different sizes that our Mother made, because Easter was a special day. We would all wear a hat that we had bought at “Dottie Dun’s Hats” in Minot North Dakota. Then we would sing…”In your Easter Bonnet, with all the frills upon it, I’ll be the grandest lady in the Easter Parade.”  It was always fun going to Minot for our hats. We lived about 60 miles from Minot and we usually only went to that city in the spring when snow melt was happening. One of my fondest memories was the sound the cars made as they drove through the slush. I still, all these years later, enjoy the sound of slush. It is a wonderful time in North Dakota when the snow starts to melt and the days show the promise of Spring.

We never hid eggs outside. That would not have been good. My Dad was sure that the dogs would eat them, but of course he couldn’t tell us that. I am sure there was some lame excuse why the Easter Bunny left them in the house. Most likely we would be told that it could snow and the Easter Bunny wouldn’t want our eggs hidden by the snow or frozen. LOL…yea, everything makes sense when you are a kid.

I was at the grocery store today, and thought I should buy some candy…but decided I probably didn’t need to eat the chocolate and also thought the price was just too high. $4.50 for a little bag…huh..Nope!

Easter also brings to mind the egg decorating. I was never much good at it, but when my kiddos were little we managed…Then we hid them in the yard, and the oldest found the most…he was best as seeing them and grabbing first. We occasionally would find one or two a few weeks later. My daughter was the Egg decorator. She could decorate eggs for hours and hours. She also had the very best eggs …and then what does a Mother do with hard-boiled eggs? Well we made deviled eggs…Isn’t that crazy…On Easter when we honor God, we serve Devil-ed eggs.

One of my very favorite memories of Easter was when my Daughter was older, grown up, actually. She chose that day to be baptized. We went to her Church that Easter and watched as this miracle occurred. My Daughter and Jesus…both raised to life on the same day. One, many years after Jesus…but it makes my heart sing, and puts a smile on my face. An Easter doesn’t come and go without remembering this important day in her life.

Well, 4:30 AM comes early and I have to get on the road early, so I will be going to bed shortly. Why am I writing a blog tonight? Well, this is more for me…Me enjoying Easter. Me taking the time to say Thanks to Jesus for what he has done for me. Me because I just wanted to muse for awhile.  Me, because I won’t be in church tomorrow.

To each of you, we wish you a blessed Resurrection Sunday…. I hope you will make it to church, and if you do, take some time to just talk to Jesus….HE LISTENS, HE LOVES, HE FORGIVES, HE GIVES NEW LIFE…..HE IS ALIVE!

Shhhh….Listen… I hear the sound of a trumpet. LOUD! STARTLING! CALLING! Breathe…I must breathe…I have been expecting this call to come almost every day since I was 16 years old. I had no idea where I would be when the call came, perhaps it would happen when I was dancing, or day dreaming, sleeping, working, or perhaps when I was horseback riding. I didn’t know when it would come, neither did anyone else. Would I be 17 or 24 or 50 or when? All I really knew was that it would come in my lifetime. I read about the sound so many years ago, and I longed for that sound. I knew that when it came the world would change. It would indicate a major shift in the control of the world. Evil would then take full control of everything. All that once was beautiful and peaceful would be removed, and the people would be subject to the screaming Ominous darkness that suffocates and steals laughter, love and hope. What was left could only be described as hell on earth. I longed for that, surely didn’t envy those who had chosen to reject Jesus and snub His forgiveness and mercy,

The sound I  awaited,  would mean that in the blink of an eye…….. I would join so many others in the air….I would fly.